Daily Archives: April 19, 2021

Hi, and Welcome Back!


Some time has elapsed since my last post. In truth, I had seriously lost any interest and lacked motivation, so I abandoned this blog as a waste of time, but the need to communicate and share sometimes over-rides a natural laziness. I have been rather busy dealing with health issues and hanging onto the roller-coaster ride called Life, not to mention the irrational insanity currently blanketing the whole Planet. I fear we’re in for a long hard ride, especially as “14 days to flatten the curve” has now become 14 months..

Meanwhile I continue with my daily reading, and constant research into the issues that most concern me – and they are many – keeps my mind ever active. Far too many issues lately, in fact, to find time along my journey to contemplate the whys and wheres and whens of it all.

I’m a committed procrastinator, with High Distinctions and many Credits after my name, so to even consider prioritising the manifold issues can be just too mind-bending. My on-line Library at pocket.com is brimming with reference material and must-reads, all to be completed yesterday, as usual (procrastinator’s work ethic), and the list of unread email subscriptions and and links grows exponentially day by day… And every day has its “must share this now!” moment…

So, instead of hangin’ about, waiting for that really big, huge, gob-smacking blockbuster moment of discovery to share with any remaining readers, a Grand re-Entrance if you will, its probably more appropriate to return with a whimper, and not a great big bang!

While my perspectives may occasionally be out-of-the-ordinary, I take much pleasure in anticipating that my efforts might enlighten you sufficiently to encourage your own discoveries in the wonderful, beautiful, exotic, bizarre, confusing journey that we all share during this time of great upheaval and awakening…

Bon Voyage…
