Tag Archives: Health

The Biggest Scam in History

Jorge Montojo

The Biggest Scam in History

Is the new virus the biggest scam in history? There are many doubts about the official version, and skeptics or deniers are emerging all across the planet. Something good had to come from the global village of the internet to fight against the single-mindedness that too many governments are trying to impose. They may hide their smiles with an egalitarian mask, but the mind must fly free and allow itself to doubt rather than accept the new dogma. That is at least the Western tradition that was born in luminous Greece, again at war with a barbarian invasion.

Freedom has been blurred by a propaganda of fear, and government measures bring us closer to the Chinese way of life than any train on the Silk Road. That is why protests are growing all over Europe (immediately demonized by the media mask) against measures that in too many cases are as totalitarian as they are ridiculous.

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Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer

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No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows up to 50 percent of patients are killed by the drugs — not the disease, itself.

Researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research UK performed a groundbreaking study examining for the first time the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of beginning chemotherapy — indicating the treatment, not the cancer, was the cause of death.

Looking at those death rates in hospitals across the U.K., researchers found an alarming mortality rate associated with chemotherapy.

Across “England around 8.4 per cent of patients with lung cancer, and 2.4 per cent of breast cancer patients died within a month,” the Telegraph reported.

“But in some hospitals the figure was far higher. In Milton Keynes the death rate for lung cancer treatment was 50.9 per cent, although it was based on a very small number of patients.”

Alarmingly, the one-month mortality rate at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals for those undergoing palliative, rather than curative, chemotherapy for lung cancer was a full 28 percent. One in five breast cancer patients receiving palliative care at Cambridge University Hospitals died from treatment . . . .

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by Nicolai Sennels (@NicolaiSennels)
 via Pickering Post

There is a dire phenomenon rising in Europe that is crippling entire societies and yet the continent sleeps, refusing not only to confront the destructive elephant in the room, but also to admit its very existence.

The troubling reality being referred to is the widespread practice of Muslim inbreeding and the birth defects and social ills that it spawns.

The tragic effect of the Left’s control of the boundaries of debate is that any discussion about vital issues such as these marks an individual as an “Islamophobe” and a “racist.”

A person who dares to point at the pathology of inbreeding in the Muslim community is accused of whipping up hatred against Muslim people.

But all of this could not be further from the truth. To fight against inbreeding anywhere is to defend humanity and to defend innocent babies from birth defects . . .

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GLYPHOSATE: Monsanto’s Magnificent Red Herring

Red Herring 1
The Liberty Beacon
By Dee Nicholson
  • “While activists around the world scramble to label GMO food products, the real culprit is getting away with the farm.”

at bodes no gooIn this day and age, when you see a massive public battle going on and whole countries and presidents and potentates are involved, you have to smell rotting fish somewhere on the breeze. You just know it’s there. And in this particular case, it’s an old wind thd…

In 1970, John E. Franz, an organic chemist working at Monsanto, discovers that Glyphosate is a powerful herbicide, despite having been developed by its inventors as a de-scaling agent to clean industrial pipes of lime and other water deposits…

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These 5 Things Will Influence Your Health More Than Anything Else In Your Life

By Karen Foster
  • “If the perception in your mind is reflected in the chemistry of your body, and if your nervous system reads and interprets the environment and then controls the blood’s chemistry, then you can literally change the fate of your cells by altering your thoughts.”

Most educational and government institutions around the world have a very poor track record when it comes to influencing the practical habits that keep their populations healthy. They say we are destined for disease depending on our genetics and biology without ever addressing some of the most significant determinants that shape our health…

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There is Something Extraordinary Happening in the World

by Gustavo Tanaka
  • We still haven’t realized of something extraordinary that is happening.

(The poster’s English is almost perfect – the message is even better! bcm)

A few months ago, I freed myself from society, I’ve released myself from attachments I had and fear that locked me to the system. And since then, I started seeing the world from a different perspective. The perspective that everything is changing and most of us have not even realized that.

Why is the world changing?

In this post I’ll list the reasons that take me to believe this…

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A Tale of Two Brains

tale_of_two_brainsby Dr. David Hartz, DC
  • Not many people realize they have two brains. Yes, you read that right. And your second brain may have more to do with your health that you ever imagined.

We tend to think of our brain as the command center from which all physiological functions stem. But there is another intelligence in your body that you may not realize… and its importance to your health may be the key you’re looking for when searching for the cause of chronic illness and even mental health issues.

The “second brain” or belly brain is much different from the brain in our heads. While our cranial brain performs complex cognitive functions, allowing us to process information, apply knowledge, and change preferences, our belly brain is intuitive and receives signals and messages regarding our bodies and the environment that it sends back to our cranial brain and vice versa.

Understanding the belly brain and its functions is often the answer to helping people who are plagued with many problems that are often dismissed by traditional medical practitioners. Your belly brain, known to scientists as the enteric nervous system ...

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