Tag Archives: Slavery

The End Of All Evil: Jeremy Locke

41IKnHJzyjL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_By MindBender

“The definition of freedom is the infinite value of the human being.

The definition of evil is the destruction of freedom.

Everything that is evil teaches people that they have limited value.”

If the mantra is to ‘evolve or die’, humanity must remember the lessons of the inherent value of their own existence. To end injustice and create a universal healing in the environment, a healing of the trauma that has scarred every generation is critical for the Earth and mankind’s survival into the future.

Some are put off by the idea that evil exists at all, but the concept is a recognition that violations are being perpetrated against one’s inherent rights in life. ‘Evil’ spelled backwards is ‘Live’ and law does not trump life. Therefore, a deeper understanding of what evil is and how it functions is necessary in order to live…

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