Tag Archives: war

Winning the War on Consciousness – Humanity’s Grand Awakening from Deep State

By Juliet Tang

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

sytem failure

[This is a repost of an article I deleted, for whatever reason, last year… I now find that given the current context of combined World events this is more relevant than ever…]

2020 is the year many in this world find themselves in an ultimate spiritual war of good and evil.

It started with a global lockdown that quickly escalated to race war, the talk of mandatory vaccines, 5G, transhumanism (the merging of human with AI), etc.

The war with Deep State (Cabal, Illuminate, the 1% elite, Satanists, etc.) has been going on for a very long time and involves multiple timelines. If you’re reading this, trust that you’ve chosen to come to this exact time to play a role during the end game, and the new beginning for humanity.

While reading this post, my advice for you is to use your discernment and do your own research, rather than take everything you watch and read to be the truth – this includes my words.

I am merely sharing with you the highest truth that is available to me at this time, after long hours of research and tuning inward….

Continue reading…


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